For background on this particular project, please visit Helping a Business Owner Work on the Business.

Situation ...

The owner of a fast-growing small business providing equipment engineering and integration services needed to free himself from the day-to-day administrative matters of running the business to allow him more time to focus on activities that would profitably grow the business.

Problem ...

This entrepreneur had started the company several years ago – like other small business owners, he did multiple routine tasks, such as bookkeeping and invoicing, himself. He also had selected QuickBooks, which met his needs at the time – however, QuickBooks was not setup to fully utilize all its job (project) costing functionality. As a result, the growth of this company was being constrained, as long as the owner was in the office rather than out in the field. Because he was working so diligently "in the business," he did not have the time he needed to work "on the business."

Solution ...

First, we reviewed the key processes that needed to be performed in this business, analyzed how QuickBooks was configured in relation to these processes, and then recommended and implemented a streamlined approach to better match the capabilities of the software with the needs of the business – focusing on job estimation, tracking, and billing.

Next, we developed a procedures manual to document the key steps needed to perform time and expense processing, job cost estimation, and job cost tracking and reporting. We then determined the skills required to handle these processes, estimated the amount of time required for this, and prepared a job description for a part-time office manager/bookkeeper.

Finally, we helped interview and select the candidate for this position, and then trained the new employee in these duties.

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Results & Benefits ...

We worked with this owner in several short and focused sessions over a period of six months, at times convenient to his work and travel schedule. By retaining us, this business owner was able to shed virtually all of the day-to-day duties that had consumed up to 20 percent of his week, and thus focus on meeting new prospects, preparing and following up on proposals, servicing clients, and supervising staff.

Additionally, this owner now has accurate information to proactively manage projects on a timely basis – and quickly communicate any issues to staff or clients.

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Conclusion ...

Our client benefited from having our focus (full attention) and distance (objectivity) applied to his situation, helping him achieve clarity on addressing issues – and meeting his goal of having more time to profitably grow his company.

For More Information ...

To discuss how technology usage and business process improvements could be applied to the issues facing your business, call us at 336.297.4200 to schedule a no-obligation consultation, or click here to contact us online.
