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Learn the purpose behind the chart and the BlackBerry. |
In September (the third month of Todd's Results Lite), I rigorously reallocated my time and reprioritized my tasks, sharpening my focus on 2013's goal of "Creating Value for Everyone."
My Accountability Partners and I met recently to review my September results, and they awarded me the coveted three green checkmarks signifying "All Goals Met"!
The topic then changed to evaluating "Todd's Results Lite" – we had agreed to try this for at least three months, so now it was time to evaluate its effectiveness. When we did, we concluded no key tasks had been missed, and everything continued to run as expected, for all three months.
Continuing that line of thinking, the next logical question was this – given everything had gotten done in a "lite" format, was a personal accountability program still needed? Here's the "charter document" for this program – Todd's Results was created ...
To make THA more efficient and effective ...
by translating THA Strategy ...
and Todd's Results "Theme of the Year" ...
into monthly tasks for Todd to perform,
by providing different viewpoints ...
to discuss, develop, and define goals,
and by establishing an accountability structure ...
to track completion of these.
After a brief discussion, we concluded Todd's Results had fulfilled its charter – over the years, the various elements had been incorporated into THA's culture and other processes, and I was now successfully living out Henry Cloud's maxim "What begins as external, becomes internal."
From these realizations, we then unanimously agreed Todd's Results has been a success, has achieved its purpose, and was no longer needed. We concluded our meeting with handshakes and thanks, for everyone's part in this unique program.
Lesson learned? Everything eventually runs its course, and I am glad this program helped me improve my performance in many areas. Todd's Results was launched in January 2006, with an initial focus on Business Development. After the first two years, the focus shifted to Leadership and Team Development, and finally turned to various aspects of Value.
For 93 consecutive months spanning nearly 8 years, my Accountability Partners and I have met to define goals, evaluate their achievement (or not), and give a final summary of my performance in symbols (symbols and explanations here). The final tally on achieving my goals: 92 sets of green checkmarks for "All Goals Met," a single instance of a single yellow checkmark in one area, and – most importantly – NO red X! Batting average – .989, which should qualify me for some sort of "Hall of Fame"!
I appreciate the consistency and integrity of my three Accountability Partners during this time – they did their job well, and helped me achieve remarkable growth. I also want to thank everyone who has checked in on my results over the years – these pages are among the most popular ones on our web site. I will remember this program fondly! Now, time to sign off for good.