It’s All About Activities
You want to cut cycle time, reduce costs, or improve quality, will you go about doing this?
You want to cut cycle time, reduce costs, or improve quality, will you go about doing this?
You likely see instances of “Dirty Data” in your business, but what about the instances you can't see?
How can you help your company become more digitally mature?
If you're a knowledge worker, what's your deliverable?
How do you make business sense of ESG, Sustainable Development, and similar concepts?
How might you leverage “prospection” to improve your business?
You want your company to be data literate, yet how comfortable are you with your data integrity?
We're two months into a new year – how far have you gotten on your business goals for 2024?
What’s so valuable about a question? Isn't the answer worth more than the question?
Why make your project proposal or business plan a single page?
What’s an “85% system” and what are its downsides?
How does Todd Herman Associates manage its knowledge assets?
What does Bing AI say about Knowledge Management? What would Todd add?
Have you heard about companies with a "Data-Driven Culture" – what does this mean, and how do you become one?
Does your Process and Technology drive your People – or is it the other way around?
Tired of boring business books? Here are 3 that break the mold.
I need to streamline a process – what tools can I use, and what outcomes can I expect?
How might a policy forcing employees to "Return To Office" play out?
What steps can you take to prevent your data from turning into a mess?
When is the best time to bring in THA?
What's with the odd title?
You believe you have a problem employee, yet don't know for sure...
Which would you rather have – one marshmallow now, or two marshmallows tomorrow?
Everyone would like to increase their company's value, yet do they know which levers – people, technology, process, and customer benefits – to pull to achieve this goal?
How will you know when it's time for a new system? Trust me, you'll know.
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Selecting a New ERP System to Enable a Company to Grow.
How would you describe your business operations – configurable or highly customized?
What if a project paid for itself, and then – to everyone's surprise – generated a number of cascading benefits?
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Eliminating Physical Inventory Shrink by Automating Production Accounting.
When was the last time you had a pop quiz? How well-prepared were you for this?
Recessions periodically visit us, disrupting our best-laid plans. How might we channel our current pains into long-term gains?
In the age of COVID-19, capital spending has been cut. How can managers continue improving the business with a smaller budget?
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Delivering Secure On-Demand Customer Data Requests.
When would you rather find the rocks in your business – now, when you have the time and resources to adjust course, or later, when you don't?
Which would you rather have working for you – a dog or a cat?
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Improving Operations Efficiency and Consistency by Standardizing Key Processes.
Have you ever thought about what constitutes a "system" – and what to do when one or more pieces of a system break?
Have you ever wondered why certain things are done a particular way in one company, yet not another?
In a specialized world, are generalists still needed? Or are they needed more than ever?
We've been taught that greed is bad. If being greedy helped you solve a problem more quickly, would you consider that bad – or good?
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Increasing Customer Satisfaction by Improving Sales Order vs. Inventory Allocations.
How closely do Activities correlate with Results? What factors might affect a correlation between the two?
Tropical Storms Florence and Michael, while having similar rainfall, had one very significant difference. What was it, and how does it apply to business?
When you come across a bug in an application, what's your reaction? Annoyance? Satisfaction? Something else?
You've likely heard the phrase, "Good things come in small packages." You might also wonder "How does that apply to books?"
Many service providers will refer to the companies and persons they serve as "clients" instead of "customers." What's the difference? Does it make a difference?
When you hire a consultant or other specialist and the deliverable is an intangible, how do you “see” what’s invisible?
Early planes had few navigation aids, so pilots had to use their best judgement to fly successfully – thus, the origin of the term "fly by the seat of your pants." What is today's business equivalent of flying without navigation aids? What aids might enable you to fly your business better?
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Improving Planning, Accountability, and Profitability Using Workflow Automation.
You've probably heard the old saw, "Plan your work and work your plan." Sounds good – but wouldn't it be better if you communicated your plan, too?
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Improving Warehouse and Shipping Efficiency Through Web-Based Scheduling Application.
Do you think of yourself as a hero – especially in your workplace? Regardless of your answer, you are probably more heroic than you think ...
You’ve made the decision – you’ve undertaken a system integration project to more tightly align People, Process, and Technology. What's your best bet to capitalize on a successful implementation?
Close counts in horseshoes! In business, how close do you need to be to score?
Can three different clients, with three different needs, have the same overall goal? Absolutely!
Is a picture truly worth a thousand words? Given a choice, would you rather read one thousand words, or look at one well-done picture?
What is nearly every sales manager's biggest headache? Getting her sales reps to hold margin.
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Improving Margin and Standardizing Processes Through A Web-Based Quoting Application.
Further Thoughts on the "The Hottest Topic in Business Today"
Redefining "The Hottest Topic in Business Today"
Make your life easier! Say "Good-bye" to your over-dependence on spreadsheets!
Sometimes, brute force gets a job done. Sometimes, a little finesse is all it takes. Other times, you need to combine the two to accomplish your goal!
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Applying Technology to Reduce Unbilled Time.
Hugh MacLeod of gapingvoid art gave Todd inspiration for this summer's book reviews when he said "Attach emotion to logic and anything is possible" – a common thread in the four books Todd reviews.
Are your "evolved processes" bogging down your productivity? Todd takes a look at how Process Improvements or Technology, or both, may help you turn those evolved processes into "designed processes."
Todd wraps up his discussion on reducing cycle time, improving quality, and lowering costs by discussing factors affecting the "Project Management" and "Process" triangles.
Todd continues his discussion on how you can get "Better – Cheaper – Faster" all at the same time by understanding the link between Cost, Cycle Time, and Quality.
Todd explains the process of finding, buying, tailoring, and integrating business software.
Todd's Review of the 26th Year at Todd Herman & Associates
Todd outlines how you can get "Better – Cheaper – Faster" all at the same time, by describing a concept called "The Process Triangle."
Todd describes his idea of how to develop "Free Range Staff" – Employees who can take an idea, develop and run with it with little or no supervision – as he reviews four books he uses to teach and develop his staff.
What's the difference between "investing" and "spending"? From the perspective of current cash outlays, nothing is different – yet,taking the long view, there's a great deal of difference.
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Improving Pharmacists' Productivity by 400%.
Todd shares how important it is to have good information underlying your reports and analyses.
Todd shares how you can identify whether your Information Systems department needs a transformation.
Todd explains how your business can maintain access to your data after you've moved to the Cloud.
10 technology issues that need to be on your organization's tech priority list in 2015.
Why you should avoid compeating on 'Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt' and focus instead on CUF.
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Deliver Major Cost Savings by Using Technology and Improving Process.
Read 25 timeless lessons based on Todd's 25 years in business.
How to turn your great idea into a visual roadmap for your client.
Our 2014 Summer Book Review
Improve productivity by using these simple questions to ensure your business processes and expectations are crystal clear.
Do some of your business reports feel unintelligible? Then help make a change with these three vital questions.
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Win New Business With Understandable Lab Reports.
September 2013
To see how these concepts played out in our project for this client, please visit Software Configuration and Support by Implementing Office 365.
Learn the difference between complex and complicated and find out how your business can address its level of 'complicated.'
Are you struggling to increase revenue? Find out what assets in your business inventory you may be overlooking.
March 2013
February 2013
November 2012
August 2012